Quality is the goal – Certificates are the means to the end
Our customers put their products in our hands. Therefore, they need to be sure that we can really deliver the quality that we promise. One proof of that are the various certifications of the Rudolph Logistics Group.
These are an indication that we realize the requirements and the wishes of our customers with a consistently high level of quality. To make sure this happens, we have integrated quality thinking on a permanent basis at all subsidiaries and in all areas of our company group.

Our Quality Management team is composed of a central Quality Officer as well as officers at each location. But it is not only the Quality Management staff who ensure stable logistics processes. We also integrate every employee in the processes of Quality Management and Continual Improvement.
Our quality measures include the following activities:
- Development of Quality Management systems in accordance with international standards
- Focusing on the success factors of customers, employees and processes
- Training and further education activities for our employees
- Ongoing development and improvement of our information technology
- Regular audits for continual process improvement
- Ongoing reviews of the performance of cooperation partners
- Use of Quality Management tools (auditing, quality circles, FMEA, etc.) for systematic analysis of weak points and ongoing optimizations
Depending on their requirement profile, our locations are certified in accordance with:
- Quality management on the basis of DIN EN ISO 9001
- Environmental management on the basis of DIN EN ISO 14001
- Occupational health and safety on the basis of DIN EN ISO 45001
- Energy management on the basis of DIN ISO 50001
- Facility Security Requirements on the basis of TAPA FSR C
- VDA 6.2 – Documents specific requirements for service providers in the automobile industry
- Authorized Economic Operators (AEO-F)
In addition, we fulfill the strict security regulations of the German Federal Aviation Administration and are certified as regulated agent.
Download all certificates here